"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" - Mark 16:15

A. W. Tozer Quotes

Quotes by Aiden Wilson Tozer

"Christ is our advocate above."

"The Scriptures tell us the whole story."

"The blood of Jesus Christ is of infinite value."

"Our Lord has given an invitation that excludes no one."

"Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will."

In the Gospels, we read that Jesus ate and talked with sinners. . . .

"Death is a changed relationship in a different form of existence."

"The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still."

"Let God be true but every man a liar" is the language of true faith."

"You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him."

"We must meet the uncertainties of this world with the certainty of the world to come."

"We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum."

"If sin is a disease it is like alcoholism, one that is chosen, bought and voluntarily swallowed."

"A pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself."

"It is a gracious thing that God does for us in His mercy and love when we are forgiven, regenerated and converted."

"Faith, as Paul saw it, was a living, flaming thing leading to surrender and obedience to the commandments of Christ."

When tempting thoughts knock on the door of my mind, I try to remember to pray a very simple prayer, "Jesus, help. Jesus help," until the "door knocker" goes away."

Man appears for a little while to laugh and weep, to work and play, and then to go to make room for those who shall follow him in the never-ending cycle."

"I repeat, never let any man become necessary to you. Christ alone is necessary. Apart from Him we are completely wretched; without Him we cannot live and dare not die."

"There is a "life that is truly life (1 Timothy 6:19). It is expressed in generosity and willingness to share. God provides for us in order that we may share with those in need."

"Of little importance is how others see us. What counts is how we view ourselves. We are nothing. Christ is all! "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 1:31)."

"Physical death terminates sin but the effects of unforgiven sin do not end. They produce spiritual death which has already begun but deepens and intensifies, following physical death."

"Human exteriors--cultural, physical, economic--are extremely deceptive. It is the heart that counts. Whether or not Christ is enthroned in the heart determines the spiritual value of a person."

"That we should do good in Christís name no one can deny. How to do it without letting our right hand know what our left hand is doing (Matthew 6:3) is an art not many have managed to learn."

"Addiction to sin is a universal curse from which we all suffer. However, there is deliverance in Christ if we turn to Him from sin—all of it, even that in which we secretly delight. The choice is ours."

"Far beyond our comprehension is the price Christ paid to ransom us. He who knew no sin became sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21). He bore the sin of all humankind of all ages. He did it willingly, lovingly. Awesome!"

"Physical death graciously ushers the believer into the unveiled presence of God—life to the maximum! For the unbeliever, physical death leads into everlasting separation from God—dying to the maximum."

"Amazing the love of Christ! He asks the Father to forgive those responsible for His crucifixion because they do not understand what they are dong. He models in His death what He instructs us to practice in life (Luke 6:35-36)."

"God ministers to us through other believers whom He has gifted. We can be aided by others who are more mature than are we. But it is on Christ our eyes are to be fixed. He is the author and perfecter of our faith, as well as our perfect example."

"There is a tendency to seek the spotlight when helping others so that recognition and commendation are ours. But blessed is the helper who helps the one in need secretly or unobstrusively. Such help is easier to accept and of it God is fully aware."

"Listed in Hebrews 11 are the "by faith" actions of those men and women of the Old Testament period who believed and then acted by faith. It is for us to believe God's promises and then accept as done what He has promised because He has promised."

"Salvation—including forgiveness, new birth, the Spirit's enabling—is all ours through Christ. It remains for us to by faith grasp it. Some of us continue to admire it from afar and deeply desire it, but we have not yet reached out in faith and taken hold of it."

"God reaches out to those who know themselves to be sinners, who realize they are lost. They are objects of God's pursuit. Then, there are those who consider themselves "righteous" and as never having been lost. They are heart-deaf to the Shepherd's call."

"Sin is a poisonous weed that throws the whole nature out of order. The inner life disintegrates; the flesh lusts after forbidden pleasures; the moral judgment is distorted so that often good appears evil and evil good; time is chosen over eternity, earth over heaven and death over life."

"God's Word makes it clear that the life touched and tainted with sin is a forfeited life. The soul that sins shall die. The wonder that we will never fully understand is that God wanted to save our forfeited lives. So He allowed the blood of the divine Savior to be offered on our behalf. Notice that there must be a blood atonement because blood and life have a vital, mysterious relationship."

"I could quote hundreds of passages from the Holy Scriptures to show that God keeps His people and that there is nothing in earth or in hell that can harm a trusting soul. The past is forgiven, the present is in God's keeping and a thousand bright promises give assurance for the future. Yet we are sometimes terrified by the adversary. This is not uncommon but it is unnecessary. We should not try to excuse it, but rather acknowledge it as evidence of our spiritual immaturity."

"When Satan, a creation of God, rebelled in pride and disobedience, he was saying, "I will arise and put my throne above the throne of God!" And right there Satan died. But he did not cease to be. God expelled him from heaven and from fellowship with Himself. He cast him down to earth. And after all these centuries, Satan is still around. He was not annihilated, and his eternal judgment is still to come."

"Men are indeed accountable for their sins, and their responsibility is twofold. First they are morally obligated to choose the good and reject the evil, and they will be brought to severe and certain judgment for their failure to do it. Second, because God has in Christ provided a cure, they are responsible to humble themselves and seek forgiveness and cleansing at the fountain opened for all men by the hard dying of Jesus Christ on the Roman cross."


Compiled by Thomas George










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